API integration
Create a seamless enterprise tech stack across your business with Ubookr as your booking system. Optimise your customers engagement and retention.
Drop-in solution
Built for rapid deployment with minimal expenditure. Our flexible online booking widget can be fully integrated within days.
We fully understand business requirements are highly variable, therefore we offer bespoke software customisation to your specifications.
Building a secure, reliable, multi-calendar integrated scheduling solution is a complex and lengthy process. We've already done all the heavy lifting.
Case study

In a bid to improve its customer service proposition and drive greater business efficiency, Mortgage Choice teamed up with Ubookr to design, build and deploy a custom booking widget. The widget would allow website visitors to make a real time appointment with their local broker.
Following a thorough functionality and UX design phase. A custom booking widget was built and deployed to a limited number of volunteer Mortgage Choice brokers for a 3 month 'Proof of concept' phase.
User acceptance testing was undertaken following the trial. The results were overwhelmingly positive and the decision was made to make the 'Book an appointment' widget available to all Mortgage Choice brokers and Financial Planners.
The project had many variables such as brokers being available for bookings in office, at customers homes and for phone appointments. Travel time considerations, traffic variables, hours of availability, time-zone and buffer time between appointments all needed to be taken into consideration.

Former CEO Mortgage Choice
In a bid to improve its customer service proposition and drive greater business efficiency, Mortgage Choice has teamed up with the online booking platform Ubookr Solutions.
Speaking about the partnership, Mortgage Choice chief executive officer John Flavell said the brokerage was pleased to partner with a “revolutionary” technology provider.
“Earlier this year, we launched a limited trial with Ubookr and the results were impressive,” he said.“