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Pay as you grow.

Try Ubookr free for 30 days. No credit card required.

1.5% of Booking Fee
Plus $1.50 per property listing

No charge for customers using the system

Embed scheduler into your website

Travel time between bookings is calculated

Unlimited client accounts

Self scheduling for clients

Custom pricing for your clients

Add-on services offered to clients when booking

Customer invoicing with Xero & Quickbooks

Email and mobile booking confirmations

SMS reminders - no charge

Digital asset delivery - photos, videos & documents

Secure cloud storage

Free iOS and Android app

Work territory management for your staff

Activity reporting with CSV & Excel exporting

World class technical support

No credit card required.

* a property listing is defined as a single booking or group of bookings for the same customer at the same address within a 5 day period. For example: if you have 3 bookings for different staff members to attend the same property to carry out different services this is counted as 1 property listing.

* Ubookr requires its users to adopt a fair usage policy by accurately and honestly representing their pricing information, while reserving the right to highlight and emphasize any misleading or false claims made by the service providers.

Cloud Storage explained

The plan includes 1,000 photos storage (includes other filetypes). This allows you to upload and share photos, videos, floor-plans and documents with your customers.

Each photo or other filetype can be up to 10 megabytes - files larger than 10 megabytes are counted per 10 megabytes or part thereof. For example a 67 megabytes video would count as 7 units.

Of course having all of your digital assets stored with the booking and the customer is the ultimate convenience and you'll probably want to store all of your digital assets permanently on Ubookr's high speed and secure cloud. You can store as many files as you like and the cost is a tiny $0.002 per month per 10 megabyte (or part thereof) file.

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What they think...

If it only saves you a couple of hours a month it’s a brilliant investment. It saves me a whole lot more than that.

Jamie Watson
Meteorwrite, Sydney

I've found Ubookr to be a great asset to our business. The simple live diary means our clients can book without delay.

Peter Kassis
Asset Photographers

Ubookr has helped Top Snap achieve & maintain a 98% customer satisfaction rating for a number of years.

Ralf Barschow
CEO of Top Snap

Ubookr is the total package for us, from taking bookings through to invoicing. It keeps all our remote staff in sync.

Chris McCallum
Incredible Images

Start saving time today.